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Romans 12:12

by | Sat, Jul 1 2023

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Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12

Pae shares her reflections on this verse…

Sometimes when we are faced with difficult situations, often, our initial reaction is to worry and our mind tends to work overtime with the worst scenarios and the worst outcomes. There are even times when we seek help from others, then as a last resort, pray.

Even if we don’t go to other people, praying can be something we do when we have run out of hope. The first part of this verse calls us to rejoice in hope. We are encouraged to rejoice in God our hope in every situation and rejoice that we are not left to deal with the issue on our own.

He was with us before the issue, continues to be with us as we go through it and even when the issue is resolved, He remains with us. Knowing we have this hope helps us to have patience through it all. As we wait, we pray without wavering, knowing He is right there with us, and whatever the outcome, we have His peace, even when the outcome is not what we had hoped for.

He promised He would never leave us nor forsake us, and He knows what is best for us. This is what we rejoice in, that He is going to take care of the issue. Prayer is a continuous relationship with God. 

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